Friday, September 18, 2009

Turn an Old Book Into Something Pretty!

Okay really, I think this has been the easiest thing I've ever done, and I feel like I have a fuzzy memory of making these when I was a little girl.

I bought this book at the Goodwill for $1 specifically for this project. I have never read Anne Rice, so I don't know if this book is any good, but if anyone out there is reading my blog, and this is your favorite book ever...look away, it's gonna be a bloodbath..... Okay not really, but I will be destroying this book.


I bought this book because:

A) it wasn't hardcover

B) the pages were huge

C) It had alot of pages, I think it was over 550 pages.

All I did was I started with the first page, and folded it in half.


and then turned the page


Keep going


Keep going


Until all of your pages are folded


Now open up the book in random spots to kind of loosen the spine from the cover


Carefully remove the cover of the book without ripping the spine (you'll know if you ripped the spine if the pages all fall out one by one.) Use scissors if you need help.


Once the cover is off, the folded pages should push against eachother to spin out like this


If it doesn't, you may need to re open more pages to kind of loosen the spine a little bit more, and if that still doesn't work, use some craft glue to hold the spine together.

I stuck it on a pedestal (that I may or may not be painting a different color) that I bought from Goodwill for $3. It really serves no purpose. I just thought it looked cool on my bookshelf.



GeekByMarriage said...

My bookshelf is shaking! I keep eying it to figure out what books would work for this. You are just too clever!

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Hahaha, you are too cute! Thanks!

Donna said...

That is so cool! Thanks for the idea!


Donna said...

I made mine today - and linked your blog to mine so that everyone could see yours :)


Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Thanks Donna!

Hollister said...

It DOES look cool, it looks like a little lamp. That is the most original crafting I have ever seen.