Since we just moved in (literally last week) I was feeling a little scrooge-ish because I had NO Christmas decorations up. (you know how sad that is being a crafty girl) Well, I forced the hubbs to get out all of our decor and tree from the garage so that I could have at least a little time feeling like it was an actual holiday.
We finally got our tree up yesterday....yes YESTERDAY...5 days before Christmas! Yikes! I love going through our ornaments since I'm a big ornament collector (so much so that I can't even fit most of them on our tree *blush*) and I thought it would be a fan-tabulous idea to throw an ornament party on Little Pink Dollhouse! I'll post a Linky at the end of this post, and I want to see ALL of your favorite ornaments!
And now, on with my faves (and I want to hear lots of "oohing and ahhing"!) ;)
Something sweet:

Beautiful peacocks (I have 2 towards the top of the tree)

I WANT A HIPPOPOTAMUS FOR CHRISTMAS... You all know the song! Well last year I sang that dang song so much I actually got ornament form from my lovely mother. EEP!! Isn't it the CUUUUUTESSST!?!?

This is one of my favorites:

because it reminds me of one of my real life favorites (which I know you have seen in posts past)

Reindeer rockinghorse :)

Oh little town of Bethlehem...

Okay I will spare you with the rest, because honestly I have TONS and I don't want to scare off any readers... especially new ones that don't know my personality....... and may think I'm crazy................ please like me...
SO here's the deal, I want to see YOUR favorite ornaments, so make up a post on your blog, include a link to LPDH's Ornamnet Party and then come back here and link it up!!
Can't wait to see what you have hanging on your tree!